© Franziska Agrawal 1999 - 2025
all rights reserved.
Sven Jons Udde, Ängelholm, Sweden
56°16'36.6"N 12°49'55.7"E
30,6 x 0,6 meter
from May to October 2019
@ Sven Jons Udde, Ängelholm, Sweden
56°16'36.6"N 12°49'55.7"E
Site specific art installation
30,6 x 0,6 meter
(X)Sites Kattegattleden 2019 is an exhibition with a site specific art throughout the bicycle path Kattegattleden. A workshop was organized in dialogue with the community to create an alternative landart piece with the on site installation. To be experienced, the sculpture can be viewed as interdimensional as it seems to be both a 2D and 3D visual representation in 2D making the surrounding nature to appear a backdrop, which poses the question whether or not the visual is always to be trusted. Is what you see always what you get? An appeal to use all your senses combined.